Value Bet of the Day: Sporting Cristal
When you believe that the implied probability from the bookmaker’s odds is lower than yours calculated probability, you may consider it a value bet.
Mind the Bet
Προγνωστικά στοιχήματος. Value bet of the day. Η σύνοψη των καλύτερων επιλογών της ημέρας από το Bet Therapy.
When you believe that the implied probability from the bookmaker’s odds is lower than yours calculated probability, you may consider it a value bet.
When you believe that the implied probability from the bookmaker’s odds is lower than yours calculated probability, you may consider it a value bet.
Υπερβολικό όσο δεν πάει το 1.65-1.70 στον άσσο. Εάν ήταν ακόμη στον πάγκο των “μπλε” ο Ρούνεϊ θα είχε βάση. Στην παρούσα φάση, οτιδήποτε πάνω από 3.75 στο διπλό είναι value bet.
When you believe that the implied probability from the bookmaker’s odds is lower than yours calculated probability, you may consider it a value bet.